Sunday, March 11, 2012

Astor piazolla

Astor piazolla was an Argentine composer that played the bandoneon and was also band leader. Astor and his family later moved to new York in 1924, when Astor returned to Buenos Aires he performed in concerts and made tango rehersals for troilors band. in 1954 Astor composed a symphony for Buenos Aires which won him a scholarship to go to Paris and study with Boulanger. In Paris Astor did more compositions of tango later moved back to Argentina and formed the octeto Buenos Aires and the quinteto nuevo tango which were performed in astors club. in 1974 Astor went back to Paris to compose concerts for a sonata of bandoneon and cello.Most of Astors work was approved by France and the united states not Argentina, in the 1980s astors music was heard and accepted by argentina.classical performers started to like the astors work.Astor composed 750 works which were film scores for tangos, two of the films that used astors work were the exile of gardel that was in 1985 and Sur 1987 .Before Astors died he was commisioned to write an opera on the life of gardel.

astor piazzollaAstor-Piazzolla-Piazzolla

Cliff Eisen. "Piazzolla, Astor." Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online. 10 Mar. 2012 <>.

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